Show Schedule

Bay Area Women airs weekly on Bay Area TV cable stations and is a nonprofit show produced by Bobbi Decker and George (Buddy ) Saupé that was nominated for three 2000 W.A.V.E. Awards.

Los Altos and Cupertino
Access Los Altos, Channel 26
Mondays and Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Saturdays at 6:00 PM

Mountain View
KMVT Channel 6
Tuesdays at 7:30 PM

Palo Alto
MPAC Channel 77
Saturdays at 5:35 PM

San Mateo
Pen-TV 26
Saturday at 4:30 PM

TV Fremont, Channel 3
Tuesdays at 5 PM

Magpie Internet Communications is located in San Jose Campbell San Francisco Bay Area Northern California